Aviation Risks

The invention of the airplane has changed how people live, work, and experience the world. Air travel has become so common place that it is hard to imagine a world without it.

Given the worldwide growth rate of air traffic and the fast-changing technology of the industry there is an ever-higher demand for insurance.

Backed by decades of experience, our team offers customized risk transfer solutions to fulfill this need. Our experienced multi-class team works with the world’s largest airlines and aerospace manufacturers, airports, air traffic controllers, ancillary service providers, corporate jet, and unmanned aerial systems operators to mitigate their evolving risks.

Risk Exchange covers all classes of aviation risk ready to work with our clients & business associates Local & International.

Aviation risk products we worked on:
1. Aircraft hull and liability exposure for all aircraft types, including airline, general aviation fixed and rotor wing, and unmanned air vehicle/ systems
2. Hull deductibles buy-down
3. Contingent and repossession exposure of banks, finance houses and leasing companies for their hull and liability risks
4. Airport liability, including landlord, concessionaire, ground operations, fixed based operations and air traffic control liability
5. Product liability for aviation product suppliers, ranging from primary manufacturer liability to the smallest non-critical component part suppliers
6. Excess liability layers on all of the above classes
7. Hull war
8. Excess terrorism war
9. Space coverage including physical damage, launch, in-orbit life, third party liability and product liability
10. Aviation reinsurance risk excess and excess of loss