Claims Management & Negotiation

This unit is about negotiating the claim according to the facts and circumstances involved and agreeing a final settlement figure. It includes obtaining formal discharge of the claim from the claimant where this is required and arranging payment of the final settlement.

The unit involves negotiating effectively, making sound decisions based upon the available information, your own experience and a consideration of the possible outcomes.

We advise our client to present information clearly, concisely, and accurately. This unit may be suitable for you if you work as an insurer, an intermediary or another organisation with authority to settle complex claims.

Claims are complex when they are not routine and cannot be dealt with mechanistically, for example, when a claim involves negotiation and/or is technically demanding involving complex legal or underwriting issues, or substantial financial implications.

With Risk Exchange we can negotiate on your behalf, and we believe that we make the process effective as we adhere on below ground rules.

  1. Strictly adhere to ethical conduct.
  2. Investigate impartially. Negotiate with partiality.
  3. We are courteous and friendly.
  4. We follow specific instructions carefully.
  5. We take command of conversations.
  6. We are prompt.
  7. We keep an open mind but alert to changes.